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Saturday, October 2, 2010


The lumberjacks arrived as the skeleton is about to go up. Framing plans by Bob E. (A+E Architects-Builders) & Mark M. (McKenzie Structural Consultants) met the checklist for 110mph wind loading requirments in the 7th Edition  of the MA State Building Code. Tim St. Pierre and crew (SCC Group LLC) started the frame the last week of September ahead of schedule.Window openings are framed in and protected with building paper and vycor water shield. The sub-trim around the openings will meet the rigid insulation that will encompass the entire exterior perimeter. Exterior walls are 2x6 @16" O.C. Floor joists are conventional lumber, 2 x 10's @ 16" o.c. except for the master bedroom where the spacing went to 12" o.c.. We don't like bouncy floors. Pretty good for $181/sqft !!!!

Framing Begins!
Frame-Basment Walls
Basement Main Beam
Front First Floor Walls
Framing-Right Elevation
Over Garage
Kitchen Corner
Plumbing Rough in Basement
Main Beam-Front Section
Garage Slab Ready to Pour
Fireplace Beam Offset
Floor Frame
Living/Dining Rooms-Fireplace Base

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