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Monday, October 11, 2010

Roof Framing

Framing continued up to the roof. Up on the roof.....as James Taylor said. Moving into October and the roof shingles will be going this week. Last week a couple days of rain knocked us out but things a still ahead of schedule at this point. The plumber got waste lines in the basement last week, all inspected and ready for slab prep. EZ Doze It, the excavator, will be back this week to put in holes for deck columns and review for septic area clearing. Schedule has our slab sub, Steve from Hard Rock Concrete, going in Thursday and Friday for prep, pour and deck footings. The weather isn't looking good for the end of the week but we'll see, it can change in a heartbeat. Windows will be delivered on the 18th and going in the next few days after that. Weather-tight by the end of the month. Happy Columbus Day!!!!

 Main Roof
 From the Rear
Main Roof
Roof Framing-Up On Roof

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